With funding obtained by Education Trust NY, Raising NY and the ECAC are collaborating in a fiscal analysis of early childhood funding in New York State.  This analysis serves to implement Goal 8A of the ECAC's Strategic Plan.  Raising NY has contracted with Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5FS) to lead this effort. This project includes mapping and analyzing the prenatal to five funding streams in New York, an update to the state’s child care cost model, and developing a home visiting cost model. P5FS will use this analysis to develop recommendations and an implementation plan for the prenatal to five system in New York that are grounded in the state’s goals and vision for this system.  Foundational to this process is intentional engagement with the many different constituents that are impacted by, and have an impact on, this system. In this webinar, P5FS will provide an overview of the project including key activities and expected outcomes, and discuss opportunities for engagement throughout the project.